Sunday, March 30, 2014

The second coming of Jim Calhoun

Hello world, lets play ball!

Kevin Ollie is the best thing to happen to UConn since the hire of Jim Calhoun.

Kevin Ollie played 13 years of pro ball. Bouncing around the league, from Philly to Dallas to Orlando and everywhere in between, he can be considered a journey man to say the least. After his final season in the NBA in 2010, Ollie signed on with Calhoun to be an assistant coach. Ollie, in my opinion, was never that great of a point guard, but he was one of those players that knew the game and was a better coach-player than a player-coach. He was a heady guy who was brought in to show young players what to do, what they needed to do to be successful, and what needed to be done in order to be a positive professional in the league.

Kevin Ollie brought that type of class UConn. After seeing Calhoun run the team and how to be a good coach, Ollie replaced Calhoun after his retirement. UConn had a successful season in Ollie's first season, but was banned from post season play due to an NCAA sanction that was placed upon the program. And then came this season. A new conference, and a tough schedule led the Huskies getting a 7 seed in the NCAA tournament. After an exciting first few rounds, the Huskies advanced to the Final Four in Dallas. That's what has happened up to today. The reason that Ollie is the best thing to happen since Calhoun is because of the most important players on the UConn roster...Shabazz Napier and Ryan Boatright.

Both Napier and Boatright are guards. Both can be considered combo guards, with Napier being a more true point guard, but still considered a combo. Both are fantastic players, and would be okay under most coaches, but Ollie is no ordinary coach. Ollie has NBA experience, and has the ability to show these players what they need to do to get to the next level. Ollie is a classy guy, and can lead this team in a way that most could not. He can show these players that even if they are down, even if they are close to the brink, he can bring them back, they have the ability to be great and can take a game into the closing seconds with no fear.

Kevin Ollie is the best thing to have happened to the UConn basketball program.

Stay classy planet Earth

Friday, March 21, 2014

let the boys play

Hello world, it's game time!

Sports are a fantastic use of time for any young person. It keeps people occupied and out of trouble, it keeps them active, and away from any problematic issues that may arise in their lives. It distracts people from troubling issues that may be going on in their lives. That being said, please, "just let the boys play!"

I am quoting Denzel Washington in his role as Herman Boone in the movie Remember the Titans. He is referring to strong racial discrimination that his team is encountering, and he is telling the refs to just let his team play.

That quote should be kept in mind when parents, students, and other fans show up to a game. Parents; let your children play. They are trying their hardest, and any intent for you to "coach" them when they are in the game is hindering any potential growth that they may have during the game. Their coaches are paid to do the job that you are trying to do from the bleachers. You are confusing your children, and setting a poor example for everyone there. When you yell at the coach or at the ref, you say to others that yelling at a coach or a ref is okay, and should be done more often. Yes, everyone yells at the refs, and yes, they do miss some calls, but there is no need to jump down their throats on every little thing that happens. Sometimes, things happen that are out of their control. Sometimes, they miss things. You are embarrassing your children and yourself if you make a spectacle at a sporting event. Please, just let the boys play.

Students and fans; let the boys play. There is no need to get on the case of the other team. There is no need to use foul language. Cheer for your team, and show your support, but there is no need to yell obscenities when someone misses a shot, or shanks a kick. You paid good money to get into the game, and yes, you do have the right to (mostly) do what you like, but some things should be refrained from (obviously). So please, fans, students, let the boys play.

I understand that this may not go over as well as some may like, and that this is just a simple blog, but if I can get one person to realize that some of their actions at a sporting event were crass and careless, or even shameful, and that they will change in the future, I have done my job. Please, I implore you, if you go to a game in the future and get the urge to yell something at a ref or coach or opposing play, think before you speak, and then... Let the boys play!!

Best of luck in all your future endeavors!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

introduction time

Hello world, its game time!

A quick introduction is obviously in order. My name is Zac. I am from Minnesota, and I am about to enter the real world. I am a senior in college, and thus am hitting the screw it part of my academic career. I have a job lined up for after graduation, so I am struggling to finish off everything academic. I played sports since I could walk, and so I live and breath everything sports. I have an opinion on everything sports (as is to be expected), and have some interesting views (as I'm sure you will see in the future). Overall, I am exceptionally average. I have some distinguishing qualities, such as being obsessed with Superman and everything superheroes, and have played college football, but again, am exceptionally average. I have no real opinions to share at the moment, just wanted to give you a brief intro to me and what you will be reading in the future.

Be prepared for sports and superheroes in the near future!!!

Best of luck in all your future endeavors!