Thursday, March 20, 2014

introduction time

Hello world, its game time!

A quick introduction is obviously in order. My name is Zac. I am from Minnesota, and I am about to enter the real world. I am a senior in college, and thus am hitting the screw it part of my academic career. I have a job lined up for after graduation, so I am struggling to finish off everything academic. I played sports since I could walk, and so I live and breath everything sports. I have an opinion on everything sports (as is to be expected), and have some interesting views (as I'm sure you will see in the future). Overall, I am exceptionally average. I have some distinguishing qualities, such as being obsessed with Superman and everything superheroes, and have played college football, but again, am exceptionally average. I have no real opinions to share at the moment, just wanted to give you a brief intro to me and what you will be reading in the future.

Be prepared for sports and superheroes in the near future!!!

Best of luck in all your future endeavors!

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